Friday, March 4, 2011

Visiting the Uni and Employment

Hyatt and I recently met the professor he'll be studying with here, Dr. Frank Dunshea, and some other great people at the Uni (University of Melbourne). Catherine, Frank's executive asst., was kind enough to take us to K-Mart to buy an ironing board (Hyatt likes his starched shirts) and showed us around more of Melbourne. We got the grand tour of campus, the animal holding facilities and Hyatt's graduate office where we met some of his office mates (another Ohio State grad is studying here).  Everyone was super friendly including post-doc/faculty/jack of all trades, Fahri Fahri. Fahri spent some time showing us the labs and entertaining us with his quick wit and blunt truths about Australia.

Hyatt will be starting his research in the next month or so while things get finalized and worked out.  I'm hoping to do some part-time work the the Animal Welfare Science Centre and Dr. Paul Hemsworth. I may also be tutoring a few courses (that's a post for Buzzard's Beat).  Apparently, I have to earn my keep.

Not much going on lately - getting more and more used to city life. Ha - just kidding. That's a whole novel in itself. We may be going to the zoo this weekend - I have every intent of seeing and possibly stealing a koala. Sunday through Tuesday we are helping Fahri with a sheep heat stress project.  Not a big fan of heat.

~ Buzzard ~

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